She was immediately impressed by the interface and information provided by the platform. She was also intrigued by how affordable the program is and the different service levels offered.
Right away, Sahra began noticing a change in her daughter’s confidence. She loves how her daughter gets immediate feedback if an answer is wrong and then has the opportunity to go back to get the question right. Plus, her daughter LOVES spending time on the iPad as it makes it more fun -- even when it’s math!
And a big bonus: her daughter also really loves her dedicated tutor!
We've helped thousands of students in 30+ countries become super confident in math and increase their math scores up to 90%.
Plus, we've got the thumbs up from parenting councils, business and parenting media, AI & Tech publications, curriculum authorities, and more!
Get started today and see for yourself why thousands of parents love Thinkster. Learn how we'll make your child math confident for life!
Copyright © 2023 Thinkster Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sahra’s daughter started falling behind in math, and the combination of living in a rural area and Sahra having her own personal health difficulties placed a heavy burden on the family’s schedule.
To find a local tutor, it would also likely cost $95/hour, which was an extremely high-cost burden too.
Sahra began searching around for math tutoring programs and found Thinkster.
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"The quality of the tutor that we have been paired with… I couldn’t have interviewed and picked one better myself.
Her way of working with my daughter has built her confidence back up in a way where she realizes now that she is smart in math. She just learns differently than other students and needs that time and support to get the concepts and do the work. ”
“Learning isn’t just about learning how to solve the problems. It’s actually understanding the questions and understanding the whole concept of it. And I think that’s what really taught [our son] how to be a better mathematician.”